Renuka C Shekhar
Renuka C Shekhar
Renuka C Shekhar is a designer from south India having a decade of experience as a fashion designer and an Image consultant for variety of brands, retailers, organizations and individuals. She launched herself as an industrial fashion designer for the European market combining creativity and business acumen. To-date, she has collaborated with a network of fashion brands, organizations, manufactures. She holds her degree in fashion designing from the University of Calicut, MBA in international business and her Masters in Styling from Domus Academy, NABA ( Nuova Academia di Belle Arti, Milano, Italy).
Her clothing line is a sophisticated approach to organic subject matter which is a miniature/gigantic story and an exploration of duality and contrast. Intricate patterns are juxtaposed with bold abstract marks, wilderness with the formality of the stage, density with open space.Designs can be worn both traditionally, or draped around the body. Or, perhaps even a wall hanging.
She started her own platform Adorrio Fashion House Pvt.Ltd in 2015, a buying office engaged in the business of souring, designing and exporting garments to various countries across the globe ; after working with a variety of entrepreneurs and realized the opportunity for exposure, education and meaningful connections in the industry. She has styled, produced events, consulted on program development, social media and has built relationships with over 50 fashion brands.